How To Install AddThis Share Button With Counter On AMP Blog

How To Install AddThis Share Button With Counter On AMP Blog

How To Install AddThis Share Button With Counter On AMP Blog

How To Install AddThis Share Button With Counter On AMP Blog

Many ways to share ideas, writings, or opinions to the public, including by utilizing social media or other networks. Likewise with blogs, posting shared to social media is a source of traffic. And to attract visitors from social media, we need a tool or widget that can make it easier for visitors to share our writing if they think our writing can be useful for others.

Called the share tool or social share tool which is a collection of tools to connect or share posts to various social media which are usually in the form of buttons with various attractive designs. With an attractive appearance, it is expected that visitors will be more interested in sharing our writing, but of course the main factor remains in the weight of the writing that can make visitors to share writing without having to be told.

The AMP itself has previously provided a button for sharing, namely amp-social-share, which is quite helpful in making it easier to share text. And now for AMP HTML we have added a share button from AddThis that we can use by displaying a counter or the number of shares that have been made.
Of course this is good news for AMP HTML users with the AddThis share button. Because with this we can now display counters or the amount of social media sharing with eye catching designs.

AddThis share button also makes it easy to customize the social media share buttons that you want to display, including colors, shapes, and more.

Now I will share how to install the AddThis share button with a counter on the AMP blog.

1. First step

Please create an AddThis account HERE , for those who already have an account, you just need to Sign in to enter your AddThis dashboard.

2. Second step

Please click the Tool menu, and click the Add New Tool button on the top right then select Share Buttons and choose the type Inline (lined to the side). If you have already made it, you just need to click on the tool.

3. Third step

• Make sure the Jumbo option for Share Counters
• The Font Size label is 26px and the Share Count Font Size is 14px
• For Style, choose Modern Fixed-Width
• Button Size select Large (32x32)
• And check Hide Network Names

And keep in mind: After display customization is complete, don't first click the Save & Countinue button. But please first copy the URL of the page listed in the browser address bar as follows. What I marked is the code needed for the next step.

How To Install AddThis Share Button With Counter On AMP Blog

After that, just click the Save & Continue button.

4. Fourth Step

Now please go to your blog's HTML Edit then save the following code above the code </head> or &lt;/head&gt;&lt;!--<head/>--&gt;
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<script async='async' custom-element='amp-addthis' src=''/>
Then please copy the code below
<b:includable id='shareAddThis' var='post'>
<div class='shareAddThis'>
<amp-addthis data-pub-id='ra-50f568026cf55185' data-widget-id='5c81' expr:data-share-media='data:post.firstImageUrl' expr:data-share-title='&quot;Check out this article: &quot; + data:post.title + &quot; - &quot; + data:post.url' height='63' layout='flex-item'>
And save above the code <b:includable id='shareButtons' var='post'>

Code ra-50f568026cf55185 (pub) and code 5c81 (widgetId) please replace with code similar to that in the URL obtained in the Third Step earlier.

Then use the following code to display the AddThis button, such as above the post title or below the post.
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'>
<b:include data='post' name='shareAddThis'/>

To make it look neat, please add the following CSS to your blog's style amp-custom .
.shareAddThis amp-addthis iframe{margin-top:0;margin-left:-8px;}
@media screen and (max-width:640px){.shareAddThis{height:98px;}}

Done .... good luck.

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