Troubleshoot amp-iframe errors when displaying Youtube videos

Troubleshoot amp-iframe errors when displaying Youtube videos

Troubleshoot amp-iframe errors when displaying Youtube videos

Troubleshoot amp-iframe errors when displaying Youtube videos

As we know that to display Youtube videos on AMP HTML blogs can be in 2 ways, namely by amp-youtube or by amp-iframe.

To display a Youtube video single, I suggest using amp-youtube and rightfully using it.

And to display Youtube video playlists, we can also use amp-youtube as I have discussed in previous posts.

But we can also use an amp-iframe to display a single video or YouTube video playlist.

But there is something to be aware of when using an amp-iframe to display a single video or YouTube video playlist so that there are no errors like in the picture below. We can see the error with the inspect element on the page.

Troubleshoot amp-iframe errors when displaying Youtube videos

Here's the error message: "Uncaught DOMException: Failed to construct 'PresentationRequest': The document is sandboxed and lacks the 'allow-presentation' flag."

This means that there is something missing in the amp-iframe sandbox which is "allow-presentation".

So to display a single video or YouTube video playlist using amp-iframe, please use the following code and it will not be an error like what I experienced before.

<amp-iframe allowfullscreen='' frameborder='0' height='270' layout='responsive' sandbox='allow-scripts allow-same-origin allow-popups allow-presentation' src='xxxxxxx' width='480'>
<amp-img height='270' layout='fixed-height' noloading='' placeholder='' src=''></amp-img>

Please replace xxxxxxx with a YouTube video embed URL or YouTube video playlist embed URL.

may be useful....
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