How To Make MGID Ads Not Overload Blog Loading

How To Make MGID Ads Not Overload Blog Loading

How To Make MGID Ads Not Overload Blog Loading

How To Make MGID Ads Not Overload Blog Loading

How To Avoid MGID Ads Overload Blogs - MGID is an advertising network that can also be a source of income for bloggers as publishers as well as Adsense.

And the good news, this MGID ad can be juxtaposed with Adsense ads. MGID ads are native ads such as Adsense matched content ad units and already support Indonesian.
Just as in histats , MGID ads also disrupt or increase blog loading even though the JS is asynchronous. But don't worry, after I tried it turns out that MGID ads can also be tricked with defer like histats so it doesn't interfere with blog loading.

For that, for those of you who are MGID publishers, I will now give you tricks on how to install MGID ad code so that it doesn't burden blog loading, if you really care about blog loading speed.

Usually MGID ad code like the following as an example.
 <!-- Composite Start --> 
 <div id="M517355ScriptRootC778521"> 
    <div id="M517355PreloadC778521"> Loading... 
  (function () {var script = document.createElement ('script'); script.src = "//" + ((( d = new Date ())? '' + d.getUTCFullYear () + d.getUTCMonth () + d.getUTCDate () + d.getUTCHours (): ''); script.async = true; document.body.appendChild (script);}) ();  
 <! - Composite End -> 
Please copy the script that I marked then save the code in notepad then save it as a js file, for example saved as mgid.js code and hosting on Github .

Then change the MGID ad code to the following example.
 <div id="M517355ScriptRootC778521"> 
        <div id="M517355PreloadC778521"> 
        Loading...    </div> 
 function downloadJSAtOnload(){var d=document.createElement("script");d.src="URL HOSTING code-mgid.js SAVE HERE", document.body.appendChild (d)} window.addEventListener? window.addEventListener (" load ", downloadJSAtOnload,! 1): window.attachEvent? window.attachEvent (" onload ", downloadJSAtOnload): window.onload = downloadJSAtOnload,! 1): window.attachEvent? window.attachEvent (" onload ", downloadJSAtOnload): window.onload = downloadJSAtOnload; 
And save the following code under the code <meta charset='utf-8'/>
 <link as='script' href='URL HOSTING code-mgid.js SAVE HERE   'rel =' preload '/> 
Change code URL HOSTING code-mgid.js SAVE HERE with your URL -mgid.js hosting URL.

Do the same for other ad units if you place more than 1 MGID ad unit. Make sure the names of the js hosted on Github are different from each other, for example the mgid2.js code for the second ad and so on.

Or if you want this MGID ad to really not interfere with loading the blog, then we can use code like the Adsense lazyload trick. Please change the MGID ad code to the following example.
 <div id='M517355ScriptRootC778521'> 
        <div id='M517355PreloadC778521'> 
        Loading...    </div> 
 var  lazymgid = false; 
 window.addEventListener ("scroll", function () { 
 if ((document.documentElement.scrollTop! = 0 &&   lazymgid   === false) ||  (document.body.scrollTop! = 0 &&   lazymgid   === false)) { 
 (function () {var ad = document.createElement ('script'); ad.type = 'text / javascript'; ad.async = true; ad.src = ' URL HOSTING code-mgid.js SAVE HERE   ';  var sc = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0];  sc.parentNode.insertBefore (ad, sc);  }) (); 
  lazymgid   = true; 
 }, true); 
If you use this lazyload trick, then you don't need to save the code under the <meta charset='utf-8'/> code.

For the second and subsequent ad units if you place more than 1 MGID ad unit. Make sure the names of the js hosted on Github are different from each other, for example the mgid2.js code for the second ad and so on. Also make sure the code lazymgid as I lazymgid 2 above are distinguished, for example being lazymgid 2 lazymgid 2 , and so on like this example
 <div id='M517355ScriptRootC778535'> 
        <div id='M517355PreloadC778535'> 
        Loading...    </div> 
 var   lazymgid2   = false; 
 window.addEventListener ("scroll", function () { 
 if ((document.documentElement.scrollTop! = 0 &&   lazymgid2   === false) ||  (document.body.scrollTop! = 0 &&  lazymgid2   === false)) { 
 (function () {var ad = document.createElement ('script'); ad.type = 'text / javascript'; ad.async = true; ad.src = 'URL HOSTING code-mgid.js SAVE HERE';  var sc = document.getElementsByTagName ('script') [0];  sc.parentNode.insertBefore (ad, sc);  }) (); 
  lazymgid2   = true; 
 }, true); 
Or you can also without having to host it on Github for this lazyload trick. Consider the following MGID ad code:

 <!-- Composite Start --> 
 <div id="M517355ScriptRootC778521"> 
    <div id="M517355PreloadC778521"> Loading... 
   (function () {var script = document.createElement ('script'); script.src = "//" + ((( d = new Date ())? '' + d.getUTCFullYear () + d.getUTCMonth () + d.getUTCDate () + d.getUTCHours (): ''); script.async = true; document.body.appendChild (script);}) (); 
 <! - Composite End -> 
Then change the MGID ad code to the following example. For the script code marked in the code above, please save it as the script code marked in the code below.

<div id="M517355ScriptRootC778521"> 
        <div id="M517355PreloadC778521"> 
        Loading...    </div> 
 var   lazymgid   = false; 
 window.addEventListener ("scroll", function () { 
 if ((document.documentElement.scrollTop! = 0 &&   lazymgid  === false) ||  (document.body.scrollTop! = 0 &&   lazymgid   === false)) { 
  (function () {var script = document.createElement ('script'); script.src = "//" + ((( d = new Date ())? '' + d.getUTCFullYear () + d.getUTCMonth () + d.getUTCDate () + d.getUTCHours (): ''); script.async = true; document.body.appendChild (script);}) (); 
  lazymgid   = true; 
 }, true); 
Oh yes, for AMP users, now MGID ads already support AMP as well with <amp-ad> .
Good luck and hopefully useful.
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