Collection of Params For Modifying Blogger Images Through URLs - is a blogging platform provided free by Google. And the space provided is unlimited, including for image storage.
But there are some bloggers
who have not even utilized the unlimited and free image hosting facilities from
this blogger. There are still bloggers who still save their pictures in third
Of course this is actually
not a big problem, but there are some Blogger codes that do not support hosting
other party images such as code for thumbnail post.
For that, it is recommended
to post pictures please upload directly to the post. No need to worry about
storage space because unlimited space is provided.
Likewise for images for
other purposes such as favicons , manifest.json , blog logos , and others,
please upload them on Blogger.
And in the image URL that is stored on Blogger, there are several parameters that can make it easier for us to modify the image.
Usually the image URL that is
hosted on Blogger or uploaded on the post will look like this.
Blogger provides 4 domains
for hosting images, namely,,, and https: /
Note the code s.... which is
marked, in that code we can modify the image with the following parameters.
List of parameters to modify the Blogger image
1. s (square or maybe size),
meaning square. By default, Blogger uses param s for images uploaded in posts.
Param s is usually followed by a value that indicates the size of the image in
pixels, taken from the largest side. If the square is horizontal, then the
width value is taken. If the vertical square, the high value is taken.
Example: s320
If you want the size
according to the original you can use the value according to the original width
or height which has the largest value, for example s3250 or can use s0 .
2. w (width), meaning width.
To determine the desired width, for example w320 .
3. h (height), meaning
height. To determine the desired height, for example h320 .
If w and h are combined,
then what is taken is the value of h , for example w500-h100 then the benchmark
is the value of h and the width of w will follow the comparison.
4. c (crop), meaning to cut.
To crop the image at the top according to the value specified by the other
param in front of it. For example: s320-c will cut a square with a width and
height of 320px at the top of the image, w320-h100-c will cut with a width of
320px and a height of 100px at the top of the image.
5. n is the same as c but
cuts it right in the middle.
6. p is the same as n and c
but cut from the midpoint of the image.
7. cc (circle crop), meaning
to cut round and the outer side will be a white area. s320-cc is a circle with
a diameter of 320px, w500-h750-cc is a circle with a diameter of 500px (the
smallest value is taken).
8. It's useful to prevent
changes in image size that is larger than the original dimensions. For example,
if the width of the original image is 600 pixels, then even if it determines a
wider width such as w1600-nu , the image will not be larger than the original
9. fv (vertical flip)
reverses the image vertically, for example s320-fv
10. fh (flip horizontal)
flips the image horizontally, for example s320s-fh
11. r (rotate) rotates the
image to a value of 90, 180, or 270, for example s320-r90 then the image will
tilt to the right 90 degrees.
12. rj to change the image
format from PNG or GIF to JPG.
13. rp to change the image
format from JPG or GIF to PNG.
14. rw to change the image
format from JPG or PNG to WEBP.
15. rh to change the GIF
format to MP4 so that it can be a source in the HTML5 <video> tag.
<video controls>
<source src="" type="video/mp4">
16. l to compress image
quality, for example s320-rj-l85 , the image will be a JPG format with 85%
quality with a size of 320px.
17. d (download) functions
to download images when the image URL is used as a link, for example s320-d .
Those are some parameters
that might be useful for modifying images uploaded in posts.
May be useful.